How do I read Aspen HYSYS cases created in a newer version when I am running an older version?

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Products: Aspen HYSYS 
Last Updated: 21-Mar-2018
Article ID: 000084905
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Problem Statement
How do I read Aspen HYSYS cases created in a later version when I am running Aspen HYSYS of a lower version? It complains that “Files created in a newer version of HYSYS cannot be opened in an older version of HYSYS”.
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You may use XML technology for the backward compatibility, e.g. it applies if you would like to read a case created in Aspen HYSYS v10 but you are running Aspen HYSYS v8 or v9.
First save the case in XML format:
  1. Within Aspen HYSYS later version, go to File --> Save as
  2. In the Save as type, choose “HYSYS XML Cases (*.xml)”  

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  3. Give a name and save the case. 
Please note that if you have Petroleum Assays defined in the simulation, you cannot save it in the XML file. You have to detach Petroleum Assays from all of the streams and then delete the Petroleum Assays under Properties.
To open an XML file in Aspen HYSYS:
  1. In any Aspen HYSYS version (including versions earlier than the one you saved the Aspen HYSYS cases), click "Open"
  2. Change the File Filter to "HYSYS XML cases" (*.xml) 
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  3. Browse to the saved .XML cases to open the case.
  4. The case should re-open, and by default Aspen HYSYS solver is placed on Hold mode. You can go ahead and put the Solver to Active. 
Please note that:
  1. The case may or may not be fully solved due to the differences between the HYSYS versions.
  2. You will expect that if your models use any of the new features only added in the later version of HYSYS, these features in the model will not turn up in the lower version of HYSYS when you import the model.
  3. Extensions (e.g. unit operations extensions) in models do not always work when saved in XML format. In these cases, you need to delete those extensions for a successful XML export.
After having exported your case to an XML file, take some time to check for the following:
  1. Ensure the component list is the same. Make sure all the hypotheticals are included in the component list.
  2. Check to make sure the column specs are the same. The bottom up numbering is particularly bad, so are side operations.
  3. Check connections on unit operations that have multiple inputs and outputs, especially with columns and heat exchangers.
Forward compatibility

Newer version