Unlock new features of Aspen DMC3 including Maestro, an embedded AI tool to revolutionize model building by mining historical data

Using Maestro, an embedded AI tool, reduce time to build more accurate models and predictions for faster seed model development. In this class, Utilize Maestro's simple self-guided model building workflow starting from PID loop detection, automatic data slicing and auto-generation of nonlinear transforms to create Seed Models. Deploy seed models online and refine it further with Calibrate 2.0, our newest and intuitive Calibrate engine to continue to sustain DMC3 models.


  • Process Control Engineers or any other engineers designing, implementing or maintaining APC controllers

Training Details

  • Course Id:


  • Duration:

    0.5 day(s)

  • CEUs Awarded:


  • Level:



  • Apply new Aspen DMC3 features to mine historical data, simplify seed model development, easily deploy and refine DMC3 models and monitor them online via a flowsheet-based Web Interface


  • Industry workflows
  • Hands-on workshops
  • Experienced instructor-guided demonstrations
  • Q&A on student-specific problem
  • Experienced instructor-guided demonstration Four 1-hour sessions focused on lecture and hands-on examples


Maestro for DMC3
  • Utilize historical data to build seed models via a self-guided workflow: PID loop detection – variable selection – data slicing – nonlinear transform detection
  • Capitalize on parallel computing to process large datasets and multiple cases for model-building
  • Workshop: Develop a seed model from historical data via the Maestro for DMC3

Setup and run Aspen DMC3 Calibrate 2.0 to refine the seed model:
  • Understand how Calibrate 2.0 works
  • Update an existing controller to use Calibrate Mode
  • Use Calibrate Mode to gather background test data and update the original model
  • Utilize the flowsheet view of the brand-new APC Web Interface to monitor the DMC3 applications online.
  • Workshop: Utilize Calibrate 2.0 to update the original seed model generated by Maestro  


  • Familiar with APC concepts, able to implement and maintain APC applications is helpful

Subsequent Courses

  • APC250  Aspen DMC3 - APC Calibrate and Aspen Adaptive Modeling


Maestro for DMC3
  • Utilize historical data to build seed models via a self-guided workflow
  • Capitalize on parallel computing to process large datasets and multiple cases for model-building
  • Workshop A: Develop a seed model from historical data via the Maestro for DMC3
Aspen DMC3 Calibrate
  • Understand the Calibrate Engine Update in V12.0
  • Workshop B: Run Calibrate in DMC3 Builder Simulation to Understand V12 Engine Update
New APC Web Page
  • Explore how to navigate around the new APC Web Viewer page

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Aspen Technology, Inc. awards Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for training classes conducted by our organization. One CEU is granted for every 10 hours of class participation.