Salt Modeling for Hydrogen Storage using Aspen SeisEarth and Aspen SKUA

Generating an accurate interpretation and model of the subsurface is a crucial step in optimizing hydrogen storage in salt formations and improving our understanding of the salt structure and properties for cavern leaching.

The objective of this training is to provide you with the skills to effectively use the tools available in Aspen SeisEarth and Aspen SKUA for interpreting and modeling salt surfaces. You will be introduced to various methods for creating 3D structural models with salt and modeling properties. By following one of these methods, you will create a facies model within the salt intrusion.


Geoscientists, geologists, or other technical personnel interested in using Aspen SeisEarth and Aspen SKUA for interpreting and creating salt models for hydrogen storage.

Training Details

  • Course Id:


  • Duration:

    3 day(s)

  • CEUs Awarded:


  • Level:



• Instruction on basic topics

• Discussion about the general approach

• Instructor-guided demonstrations of features

• Hands-on exercises

• Detailed course notes


A background in geoscience.

A working knowledge of Aspen SeisEarth and Aspen SKUA, and/or completion of the following courses:

SEI101 Multi-Survey (2D and 3D) Seismic Interpretation using Aspen SeisEarth

• SKG101 Fundamentals of Aspen SKUA

• SKG201 Modeling Reservoir Architecture using Aspen SKUA

• SKG202 Data Analysis and Property Modeling using Aspen SKUA

Subsequent Courses

If not completed prior to the course:

SEI101 Multi-Survey (2D and 3D) Seismic Interpretation using Aspen SeisEarth

SKG201 Modeling Reservoir Architecture using Aspen SKUA

SKG202 Data Analysis and Property Modeling using Aspen SKUA


Case Study 1: Salt Interpretation (using multi-value horizon) and Surface Building in Aspen SeisEarth

Load and review seismic data in Aspen SeisEarth

Pick the salt as a multi-value horizon

Add multi-directional picks

Use mistie reports to QC and correct intersecting picks

Create a T-Surface from the polylines

Case Study 2: Picking Salt using Single and Multi-Value Horizons in Aspen SeisEarth

Use the propagator to pick single-value regions of a horizon

Grid the single-value picks, then create a T-Surface

Create a T-Surface from multi-value horizon

Combine the single-value and multi-value T-Surfaces

Creating a Salt Surface in Aspen SKUA from the Picks you Interpreted in Aspen SeisEarth

Learn about one of the methods available in Aspen SKUA for building complex surfaces (from a set of curves)

Create a salt surface from the picks interpreted in Aspen SeisEarth

Improve the salt surface

Building a SKUA Structural Model with Salt

Learn about the two methods available in Aspen SKUA for building a 3D structural model with salt

Prepare and classify data for modeling

Define the volume of interest for building a 3D sealed structural model

Model the horizons and salt

Build the geologic grid

Facies Modeling in the Salt using Aspen SKUA

Learn about the challenges when building property models in complex structures

Create a Voxet (regular grid) as the support for geostatistics

Transfer the facies data from the logs to the voxet

Create the parametric coordinates for running geostatistics in the voxet

Model the salt facies using Sequential Indicator Simulator (SIS)

Modeling Salt Caverns in Aspen SKUA

Learn about a new method for modeling complex surfaces in Aspen SKUA (from data points)

Build the salt cavern surfaces

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Aspen Technology, Inc. awards Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for training classes conducted by our organization. One CEU is granted for every 10 hours of class participation.