Bring Your Own Model into Aspen Mtell

In this training, you will learn how to implement custom agents in Aspen Mtell. You will understand why integrating custom agents into Mtell are desired, explore some use cases of when custom agents might be used, and learn how to configure and create a few simple custom agents. You will also learn how to manage the deployed custom agents in Aspen Mtell Alert Manager.

This is an advanced course. You should be familiar with Aspen Mtell and be an Aspen Mtell Certified User prior to attending this class.


Advanced Aspen Mtell Users who are interested in connecting Aspen Mtell to custom endpoints

Training Details

  • Course Id:


  • Duration:

    1 day(s)

  • CEUs Awarded:


  • Level:



You will:

- Be able to explain the requirements for a custom model

- Know how to host an API to be used in a Custom Agent

- Understand how to Deploy a Custom Agent in Aspen Mtell System Manager

- Explain how to Monitor a Custom Agent in Aspen Mtell Alert Manager


- Clear guidance on fundamental topics

- Industry workflows

- Hands-on workshops

- Experienced instructor-guided demonstrations

- Q&A on student-specific problem


Custom Agent Overview

- Explain what an agent is

- Understand why to use a custom agent

- List custom agent endpoints

- Understand the custom agent workflow

Custom Model Requirements

- Explain the requirements a custom model must satisfy

- Write a custom model that receives a JSON Request from Mtell

- Write a custom model that sends a JSON Response to Mtell

- Workshop: Write a Custom Model

Hosting an API

- Describe what an API is

- Host a Flask based API in IIS

- Workshop: Host an API on IIS with Flask

Deploy a Custom Agent in Aspen Mtell System Manager

- Deploy a Custom Agent from System Manager

- Specify Custom Agent settings

- Test a Custom Agent

- Workshop: Connect to the Mtell and Alert Manager Databases

- Workshop: Deploy a Custom Agent

Custom Agent Use Cases

- Identify scenarios where a custom agent would be useful

- Workshop: Deploy More Custom Agents


Monitoring Custom Agents

- Monitor Custom Agents in Alert Manager

- Workshop: View Custom Agents in Alert Manager

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Aspen Technology, Inc. awards Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for training classes conducted by our organization. One CEU is granted for every 10 hours of class participation.